refunds policy

refunds policy

Hi again Conny! I'm really sorry for the inconveniences caused! My colleague Rita just updated me with the other conversation you had and I understand why you may be angry. We've been fighting for a while to try to offer better shipment rates and better conditions in order to reciprocate our customers trust in Closca. For small and sustainable focused companies like Closca, this had been a hard fight. However after a long time, the growing pressure finally had to be reflected in our service to you. We continuously are trying to improve our service and that's why I will get this issue to the rest of the team as a future improvement, but as for now, there is nothing we can do about it. We really appreciate the support you've displayed to us. We really do. I hope this email finds you well and let me know if you finally want to do the return, applying our current exchange and returns policy.